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Our Guide to Steampunk Art

Steampunk art is a genre of art that blends Victorian era aesthetics with industrial age technology. The art of steampunk draws from a variety of sources, including literature, film, history, and science fiction. Steampunk art is characterized by anachronistic elements and characters, which allow the art to both draw on and parody Victorian era styles, and by the use of technology that is often new or used in ways that were not possible in the Victorian era.

Some elements of steampunk art include:

Anachronistic elements, such as clockwork-powered automata, corsets, and goggles, which are often made of brass. A steampunk artist often uses the Victorian era as a source of inspiration. The aesthetics of Victorian era culture have been shown to appeal to many people, and the art of steampunk draws from a variety of sources. Steampunk art draws on such elements as Victorian aesthetics and a fascination with science, but often satirizes the Victorian era by the way it mixes them together. For example, a steampunk artist might combine a Victorian-style corset, goggles, and clockwork to create a mechanized face.

Large, elaborate machines, such as trains and flying machines, which are often used to evoke the grandeur of the Victorian era. Charles Babbage invented the Difference Engine, which was a mechanical computer designed to perform calculations. This invention was only a prototype, but it led to the creation of the modern computer. Babbage is often thought of as the father of steampunk.

Victorian era clothing and costumes, such as bustles and parasols, which are designed in ways that would not have been possible at the time. The clothing styles of the Victorian era were very ornate. In the Victorian era, women often wore elaborate corsets and petticoats, and the style of their clothing often reflected the amount of support they received. Men's clothing styles often reflected the industrial age. Men often wore heavy coats, tall hats, and suspenders. Steampunk art often draws on the architectural styles of the Industrial Age. Steampunk artists often blend the architectural styles of the industrial age with the ornate and gothic styles of the Victorian era.

Dark, moody settings, such as factories, train yards, and labs. The Victorian era was an era of unprecedented industrialization, innovation, and wealth. As a result, the world of steampunk art draws heavily from the aesthetics of the industrial age. Steampunk art often includes factories, warehouses, railroad yards, laboratories, and other industrial settings. Steampunk art often features dark, moody settings, often set at night, and are often populated by steam-powered and steam-driven machinery.